Pirate-Themed Creative Writing Adventure & GIVEAWAY!
Take the struggle out of teaching creative writing and replace it with a fun pirate adventure! Yo, Ho, Ho! Write a Pirate’s Tale is an easy, step-by-step creative writing course for grades 3-6 that works great with both willing and reluctant writers. What I love most about this book by Jan May is how it incorporates hands-on activities into the lessons so kids aren’t just sitting still and struggling to write. Each lesson unlocks the Five Writing Superpowers:
• Creative brainstorming – builds a bridge from brain to paper
• Pre-writing fun activities – guides in organizing an irresistible story
• Free writing – gives the student permission to be a child
• Theme immersion – provides activities to create a fountain of ideas nourishing the imagination
• Gentle grading – builds confidence without the fear of criticism and unleashes the storyteller
The curriculum gently guides students through these steps so they can be excited about the theme and confident in what they write. Along the way, they’ll learn about story elements and writing basics without getting bogged down in heavy terminology. They will learn:
• How to create characters, settings, and plots
• Literary tools like onomatopoeia and interjections
• How to use strong verbs, adjectives, and dialogue
They’ll have tons of fun coming up with wacky pirate names (Calico Codfish or Pegleg McStinky, anyone?), letting their imaginations run wild as they design a pirate island (complete with kanga-gators, hamburger bushes, or anything else that they like), and so much more! Jan has woven elements such as pirate vocabulary, tidbits about life on a pirate ship and the pirate code, and more to help fuel your child’s story, even if they’ve never read Treasure Island or the Swiss Family Robinson. (Reading one of those alongside this unit would be extra fun!)
There are lots of great activities to excite even the most reluctant writer (and they are sure to create some wonderful family memories, too!). You can:
• Make a pirate hat
• Make a pirate hook
• Make a pirate poster
• Make your own pirate code
• Dress up like a pirate for the day
• Bake a pirate map pizza
• Make Walk the Plank Jell-O Shark Cups
• And more!
I have two special opportunities for you! You can save 20% off any purchase at New Millennium School Books with coupon code TOS20 through September 20. You can also enter to win a digital bundle of THREE creative writing adventure units – Spies of the Revolutionary War; Knights and Castles, Damsels and Dragons; and Yo, Ho, Ho! Write a Pirate’s Tale. Entering is easy! Just type your email address below. Giveaway ends September 16. I think you’ll love these incredible units! CLICK TO ENTER GIVEAWAY!
International Talk Like a Pirate Day
September 19
Sail along with Cap'n Long John Silver and search for the buried treasure. Talk like a pirate and find out what your pirate name is. Then create a pirate crew and ship of your very own to launch out and search for the buried treasure. Students will love creating their own pirate tales to write about.
Take a look inside our fun pirate writing curriculum. Only $16.95 print and $14.95 digital. Boys love this! Launch out into writing with a fun curriculum filled with writing skills and activities.
USE CODE PIRATES20 or PIRATES20D for Digital until September 20.
For an inside look go to YOUTUBE https://youtu.be/29u90rKXHao?si=u_8BPBiAfvXkv9lH
Use the Superpower Writing approach and help your child succeed in writing by using:
Creative brainstorming-builds a bridge from brain to paper
Pre-writing fun activities-helps to organize an irresistible story
Free writing – writing without the fear of criticism unleashes the storyteller
Gentle grading-builds confidence, giving permission to be a child
Using these four tools creates a “writing adventure” instead of a dull writing lesson. After 15 years of teaching Creative Writing I have discovered when using these super powers, even the most reluctant writer will dive into the writing pool!
With 12 easy step by step lessons, this self-guided curriculum ends with a flashlight pirate party. Perfect for reluctant writers! Works great for teaching multiple grades at once. 3-6 grade
Students will:
Learn how to create characters, setting, and plots
Learn literary tools like onomatopoeia and interjections
Learn how to use strong verbs, add adjectives, and dialogue
Fun Activities Include:
Make a pirate hat
Make a pirate hook
Make a pirate poster
Make your own pirate code
Dress up like a pirate for the day
Bake a pirate map pizza
Make Teddy's walk the plank Jello cups
Yo, Ho, Ho! Write a Pirates Adventure!
Welcome to Mooville!
Adventures in Writing on the Farm
Start the school year off with something fun that will inspire your children to want to learn! This whimsical creative writing book is perfect for teaching multiple ages and great for a unit study on farm animals. It's also great for those as young as 5-6 years-old to dictate stories for a parent or older sibling to write.
This book literally turns writing time into a delight by creating a farm full of fanciful characters much like the beloved story Charlotte’s Web. Each night after the farmer and his wife go to sleep, the animals begin to talk and continue their lives in Mooville. Will the Moo-Cow Mayor institute Chocolate Milk Mondays? Can Daisy the Duck win the annual cup cake bake off? Your students will have fun learning as they develop the answers! For a FREE download until September 10, subscribe to our monthly newsletter. HERE
There are ten bite size lessons teaching how to create characters, settings and plots. They will learn about the golden rule of writing, “show don’t tell” and how to create tension for an interesting plot. This curriculum is ideal for teaching multiple age levels and motivational for the beginning or seasoned student alike. Mooville is great for incorporating animal science, art and unit studies. Writing will be so much fun that even the reluctant writer will dive into the writing pool!
49 pages-for ages 8 to 11
•Easy to follow Teachers Notes
•One student worksheet per lesson
•Farm animal printables with a fun facts
•Farm animal report pages with questions to answer
•Fun writing activities
•Unit study ideas to incorporate Science and Art
Cathy Duffy Review's Callie’s Contest of Courage Lit Bundle.
This bundle presents a unit study for Christian students based on Jan May’s novel Callie’s Contest of Courage. The novel revolves around 11-year-old Callie, whose Marine Corps dad is sent on an overseas deployment. She faces several challenges that test both her courage and her faith in God. Christian content throughout the story includes a young man accepting Jesus as his savior. (The author includes a subtheme and optional activities at the end of the book that also encourage support for U.S. military troops.)
At the end of the novel are a recipe for a quick version of Banana Cream Pie, instructions for creating a frog habitat, and ideas for supporting overseas troops—all of which relate to the story. Many more activities are found in the 100-page guide, which includes discussion questions, worksheets with vocabulary activities, word-search and crossword puzzles, map work, instruction with questions related to literary analysis, a state report, games, (e.g., a scavenger hunt), and hands-on activities (e.g., making Callie’s Yummy Ice Cream Cups and creating a fun-fair game).
Some discussion questions are of a spiritual nature, such as “How does God speak to Callie?” (page 44), but most are comprehension or application questions, such as “Have you ever had a secret project that you wanted to wait and unveil when it was all finished? What was it?” Most questions that require longer answers are identified as discussion questions, but there are a few for which students are told to write out answers. However, lines underneath the discussion questions allow students to provide written responses to discussion questions. I would recommend assigning selected questions for written responses—maybe one-third of them—both to provide writing activity and to keep the discussion time manageable.
The 18-page lapbook adds a few activities that bring in science topics related to the story: bears, squirrels, and butterfly metamorphosis. In addition, there is a template on which students write a Bible verse and another three pages of cut-outs on George Washington. (A story from Washington’s life plays a pivotal role in Callie’s story.) Students will construct the lapbook on just one file folder that you supply.
These three resources can be used flexibly. Students might read the story on its own. From the guide, parents might use only the discussion questions, their choices from the other activities, or all of them. The lapbook is entirely optional but provides an expansion primarily into science.
It might take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to complete all of the activities in the bundle. It really depends on how quickly you want to read the book and how much time you have to devote to the activities.
Callie’s Contest of Courage Lit Bundle should be great for families, maybe using the novel as a read aloud with children in grades one through six and the guide activities and lapbook with students in grades three through six.
January 3, 2023
Start with Something Fun
If you're like me, it's always hard getting back into school from a month of holidays. I always look for ways to ease into learning by adding fun, hands-on activities to engage the brain again.
I decorate the "homeschool room" with a fun snowflake winter theme to let the kids know, it won't be that bad going back to school. Throwing a snowman party with hot chocolate and homemade cakeball snowmans, is a nice way to motivate kids. Easy white paperchains are fun decorations that are easy to make even for littles.
Read-alouds like Snow Treasure about Norwegian children sledding the countries gold past Nazi guards during world War II can add excitement for reading again.
Fun creative writing books can also add color to school time like our new Princess and Frog Fairytale Adventures or Knights and Castles, Damsels and Dragons. These are wonder springboards for your winter semester. Filled with writing instruction in a fun way along with activities to enhance the writing process. They are on sale now as well with CODE - WINTER23 until January 10.
Be kind to yourself as you start a new semester! Kids in public schools are facing the same thing. You are on a sacred journey - the Lord will be your inspiration and Help!
I'm a paragraph. Click once to begin entering your own content. You can change my font, size, line height, color and more by highlighting part of me and selecting the options from the toolbar.
Homeschooling for Jesus
March 24, 2022
Put a New Wind in Your Sail!
Attend a Homeschool Convention
Attending a homeschool convention can be exhilarating! Where else can you share the excitement and energy with hundreds of people who share the same conviction and passion to home educate their children? We can rest in God’s promise that He who began this good work will be faithful to complete it!
With the arrival of spring, victory is in the air! You’ve almost made it another year across the homeschool finish line. You can now rest assured that homeschooling works!
Statistics prove homeschooled children score higher on tests, are less peer dependent, become better leaders and are more solid in their faith. But at the end of the school year you may feel like you've just run a marathon. How can homeschooling parents keep going for the distance?
Attend a homeschool convention! Looking back on the school year, there may have been a few glitches and getting to your state homeschool convention can help you find ways to side step them next year.
In my homeschooling days I couldn’t wait to comb through the newest curriculum and find ways to make things run smoother. And if you’re like me, I remember being tired. I needed to hear how to work smarter and not harder the following year.
I knew this homeschool calling was greater than myself, and if I were to succeed I would need the support of those who felt this same passion. That’s where state and local conventions shine.
As each year goes by we grow in confidence as homeschool parents. This year you may feel more relaxed and less guilty only using parts of a curriculum. This year you may realize that molding a clay pyramid was more efficient than reading a textbook about one.
No matter if you have a Classical or Charlotte Mason approach to learning everyone can benefit from the myriads of resources conventions offer. Special speakers share from the heart and we get to view the latest curriculum.
Homeschool conventions offer field tested and time saving teaching techniques. Workshops offer answers to puzzling questions, scheduling problems and how to teach multi-levels. They show us how to navigate the choppy waters of disapproving grandparents and the challenges of teaching special needs children.
Many conventions host fabulous tracks for teens, encouraging their beliefs, equipping them to defend their faith, and how to enjoy God honoring relationships.
Children’s Conferences run side by side many homeschool conferences offering kids a Vacation Bible School flavor to inspire them to cultivate their relationship with Jesus though music, drama and Bible games.
Tips to get the most from your Homeschool Conference:
Be well prepared-Read over the brochure carefully and chart your course! Which workshops will you attend? Do they permit carts? Serve lunches? Include children?
Take breaks and wear comfortable shoes. Conferences are like marathons. It’s a 72 hour non-stop inspiration and information blitz. They will help you go the distance.
Take your husband with you! There is no better way to keep you both on the same page. He will glean a plethora of ways to participate and be supportive.
Make a list of books you want to purchase and know your budget. If you’re like me the very smell of book ink makes me giddy so if you have a list in front of you, it helps you stay more focused. Try visiting the vendor hall in several shorter spurts rather than of one huge chunk to avoid being overwhelmed.
Take advantage of parcel check ins-this helps avoid carting around the mountain of books and fun supplies you will purchase. It also saves your arms and back!
Attend the workshops-This is the greatest opportunity to sit under seasoned veterans, excellent teachers, ask questions, discover new planning tools and sanity savers! You may not be able to go to all the ones you want so why not pick up the CDs before you leave?
Cut costs by checking to see if there are other homeschool families in the area you can stay with. Volunteer to work at the convention for a couple of hours for a discount. Some even have pre-convention hours for workers where you can check out the vendor hall in advance. Shop at the local grocery stores and bring your cooler for snacks and lunches! It’s nice to step outside, see the sunshine and sit in your vehicle for a few moments of peace and reflection.
Pray! This is God’s holy commission to homeschool so commit this vast undertaking to His care and guidance. I’ve been amazed at how He led me to people and resources I might have otherwise overlooked.
Published in the May 2016 Edition of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine by Jan May
Play to the Strengths of a New Year with a Snowman Party!
January can be one of the hardest months to get through schooling. By now the hoopla of the holidays are over and we are staring January square in the face. The Christmas tree is finally down, and it’s time to settle back into our homeschooling schedule. The grunts and groans are not only coming from the kids, we feel it too.
One of sport’s greatest strategies is to play each player to his strengths. If Harry can hit well, don’t put him as catcher. If Tom can run, put him in the outfield. Let the New Year work for you by playing to its strengths.
Add something new to your homeschool. Do something different. Switch up the schedule. Play to the strengths of being inside more; be with friends by starting a co-op or a book club. Make tents and as a reward, let them do their school work underneath it.
Have a Hot Chocolate Dreaming Party next to the fireplace. Plan a slumber party in the living room on a Friday night and talk about family bucket list living. This term has expanded in recent years to include goals for certain time frames, such as before I grow up, etc. Kids love to feel that their contributions count and what better way to bond together as a family than to help each other fulfill dreams.
Maryalice Leister at MyKidsAdventures.com encourages families to write down their list so they will have options ready at a moment’s notice. Put their dreams in a jar, write them on a poster, or attach clothespins onto a bucket.
It’s true our kids would much rather be outside building a snowman than studying books. Why not play to its strengths? Study snow, measure snow, taste snow, make snow cones, snow forts, snowmen, chart weather patterns, study Alaska, Iceland, Sweden.
One of my favorite January boosts is to have a Snowman Party! We decorate the house by hanging homemade snowflakes and paper chains. We make fun snowflake stars and bake snowman treats. We invite friends over to share in the fun! Before you know it January will take on new meaning and everyone can settle happily into the New Year.
For a FREE full download of Snowman Party Treats
Pinterest Snowman Winter Treats and Snow Activities
Spice up the New Semester with a Fun Creative Writing Adventure
It can be hard to get your students motivated to start a new homeschool semester in Janurary. A fun educational project always helps!
Our themed writing books are affordable, creative, and fun! They hold the interest of every student, even boys! They will hook your reluctant writers and develop a love for writing! With easy bite-size lessons containing understandable instruction, your student can independently work.
We give simple rewriting worksheets to help students organize their thoughts.
We engage your student with role-play activities, art, and cooking.
- Build a Marshmallow Catapult
- Design a Coat of Arms
- Make a pirate hook and hat
- Dress up like a pirate for the day
- Bake a pirate map pizza
- Make “teddy’s walk-the-plank” Jello cups
- Build a battle drum
- Devise your own secret spy code
- Much more!
22% OFF for the New Year!
Good through Friday, Jan. 7
Give Yourself
a Back to School Gift
I’m convinced. One of the things I would do more of if I could go back to my fifteen years of homeschooling is to do more for myself without feeling guilty. I would still give 100% but not 150%. Who has the time you say? Before the pandemic our schedules were full of field trips, co-ops, basketball practice, potty training, and laundry - our lives will return to normal. Now more than ever we need to get out, away by ourselves. Sometimes we just have to say no to one more thing that our children want to do and say yes to something that would support our well-being as a person. After all stress can be accumulative like a boiling pot of water and we need to let the steam out.

A marathon runner knows they must pace themselves if they are to make it to the finish line. That’s what we must do as homeschool moms- we must pace ourselves to avoid burnout and make it across the finish line. The goal cannot be only to make to high school graduation with well trained, God loving, kids, full of Christian character. Wemust make it across the finish line as well, still standing.
As a pastor’s wife I encourage young homeschool moms to go out every week if possible and take time for themselves. Rejuvenate, take a walk, have coffee with a friend, ride your bike by yourself, exercise, get a pedicure, anything that supports your emotional and mental health.
Sarah, homeschool mother of eight, calls it Mental Health Wednesdays. It started out as sessions for counseling and became so healthful she continued on and found wonderful ways to refresh herself. She says, “It’s put a bounce in my step and has given me a more positive outlook on life. I feel happier.” Now she kyaks by herself, paints, and takes daily walks, by herself!

How can it be done at your house? Older children can watch younger children. A Starbucks card or pet fish can be payment for watching younger siblings every couple of weeks. Anything that’s important to the older child can be used as barter. And there’s always grandma or swapping with another mom who needs time out too.
So don’t wait another day! Give yourself a New Year’s Gift: Declare a regular mom’s day out for yourself. Take a regular Mental Health Wednesday. You will be happier for it and be assured to make it across the finish line still standing and ready to go on to the next phase of your life.
It's Finally Here!!! A sale you can afford...
40% OFF a Bundle of YOUR choice!
Regular Price $16.95 each, NOW under $10.00 each when you purchase a bundle of 3 for $29

Pick your three favorites to make your own personalized bundle. Maybe you have a girl who wants an Isabel Writing book, and a boy who NEEDS Battle Cry to get him interested in writing...No Code Necessary-Sale starts today!
Kick up your dry boring writing lessons! Turn them into a Exciting Writing Adventure! We have knights and castles, girl's and horses, battles and spies of the Revolutionary War, our thematic books will hook your child into writing! Easy step by step instructions will build your young writers' confidence. Three books will take your student through an entire school year. Students learn, character, setting and plot development. Literary elements such as onomatopoeia, similes, personification, are taught along with adjectives and strong verb usage. Fun activities enhances creativity such as building a marshmallow catapult, setting up an obstacle boot camp, making your own paper dolls, bake a dragon cake, and much more! Perfect for the child who can't get started or a delight for those who love to write! Ages 8-12
Knights and Castles Damsels and Dragons Writing Adventure is Here!
Posted on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 9:19 AM
Knights and Castles Damsels and Dragons Writing Adventure is Here!

Finally, a Writing Series That Engages Boys!
If your students love How to Train your Dragon, they will love this writing curriculum! It’s filled with exciting medieval history and activities, all while learning to write. The student chooses a medieval character and writes a fictional story from that character’s point of view. Will your young writer become a knight or a dragon trainer? A princess or a royal baker? The student chooses, and then the fun and learning begin!
You will love the self-guided, easy step-by-step instructions! There are twelve bite-sized lessons, 45-60 minutes each, to be used once or twice a week. Students create characters, settings, and plots along with learning how to use literary tools like similes and onomatopoeia. The book is also filled with medieval fun like building a marshmallow catapult, baking a dragon cake, and learning the ancient game of knucklebones. Boys and girls alike will love it! It’s perfect for hooking the beginning student or nurturing the advanced writer. Lessons culminate with an illustrated story and a medieval fair. It’s easily adaptable for teaching multiple age levels together and great for incorporating history and art. This writing adventure is so much fun that even the most reluctant writer will dive into the writing pool!
Ages 8 to 12
Online Curriculum Fairs to the Rescue!

Now that Homeschool Conferences are Canceling every where Online Curriculum Fairs are popping up in their place.
You can get inside looks of books, meet new friends, get your homeschool questioned answered by popular homeschool publishers and watch live streams of product demos daily!
There are door prizes and daily giveaways, so you could win books you've been wanting or find books you never knew you were missing!
Top Picks Homeschool Curriculum Fair with over 100 Publishers and Top Names like Apologia, Mystery of History and Raising Real Men - all with discounts exclusive to this fair. FaceBook page: https://bit.ly/2WH6AyO
Starting today they are giving away a Free Digital Swag Bag Full of great titles to every attendee of a valve over $500 and attendance is FREE. Just ask to join the group. That's it!
Our books are 25% OFF Book Bundles. MANY moms have commented that New Millennium School Books have turned writing time into a delight in their homeschool. No more struggle and one mom said, "My child WON'T stop writing! He takes his notebooks everywhere and writes in little alcoves."

Stop by and find our booth! Leave a comment! https://bit.ly/2YIQo2D
Courage for Kids! Free Download!
I am Offering my Book - FREE on Kindle for 5 Days! A Great Read for the Whole Family! Join Callie, her little Brother Curt and the Twins of Mischief on an Adventure of Faith, Courage, and the Power of Prayer! Perfect for these Times! FREE on KINDLE Now through the 28th Please Share! https://amzn.to/3dqKFDr

"I'm always on the lookout for positive, adventurous books for my kids - especially ones with characters who possess a strong and growing faith. Unfortunately, those are not very easy to find.
But recently I hit the jackpot with this book! Amy Bradsher, Parent and Educator
Jan May sent me a copy of her newly released book, Callie's Contest of Courage. Callie is a girl you want your child to be like and one that your child wants to emulate."

hands on education for a lifetime of learning
Thanksgiving Candy-Corn Turkey Cupcakes

Well we're almost there!
The feast of Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for God's Provision in a new land so many years ago, thankful for perseverance of a people yearning for freedom and truly thankful for all God has done for me in my present life.
Too often we forget about the small things in life like sunshine, clean water, hot showers (one of my favs!) Perspective is EVERYTHING! When we have to go without some of these things for a time, we realize, that the world is spinning around and God is watching over it all and not worried about a thing! He makes things happen when they should. Even the smallest details of our lives. If He can see when a sparrow falls, how much more can He see us?

Today I'm celebrating in the way I love so much... COOKING With KIDS!! Below is a fun Thanksgiving Treat to eat or take as desserts. Kids love making them and eating them! Grown-ups too!

Turkey Cupcakes
These are so easy to make! Start by frosting a batch of cupcakes with chocolate frosting.
Poke 6 candy corns in the back for feathers. Poke 3-4 more in front of them. This part is PERFECT for preschoolers!
Place a candy pumpkin near the front for a head and frost with chocolate frosting. It might work easier to frost them first, then stick it on.
Cut one candy corn in half and stick on as beak. Use more frosting to help stick if you need to.
Attach candy flat rounds for eyes. (The kind you find with the sprinkles) I attached a white one first then green on top. Couldn't find brown ones but red, green and white were in abundance!
I always think its nice to share with neighbors, shut-ins and those who cant bless us back. In doing so we minister to the Lord. Why not make up a batch of Turkey Gobbler Cupcakes to share?

Look for our hands-on writing books that transform writing time to a delight!
Perfect for Christmas gift for the girl who loves to Read and Write!

Little House in the Big Woods

Cozy up with a good book this winter! Watch Little House in the Big Woods come live in our ONLINE class Literature Study!
We will learn history, geography, Listen to music of the day, make butter and biscuits, and paper dolls! Learn vocabulary and much more! Loads of fun and learning! Don't miss it!
Ages 7-14
Starts January 22 - 10 week semester
Grading available

Creative Writing and Publishing
for High School Credit
Fall Semester 2018
with Author and Educator Jan May
12 Weeks Starts August 29
1pm CST 60 minutes
Learn the foundations of writing fiction and how to craft an unforgettable story with realistic characters, subject research and poignant themes. Whether you like fantasy, action or drama come and deepen your writing!

In this class we will explore character arcs, sensory writing, plot twists and lots more! Learn how to edit and format your story for online self-publishing on Lulu.com.
Lots of fun writing exercises during class and interaction with other teen writers! Receive critiques and grow in your craft. If you want to develop your fiction stories, this is the class for you!
There will be two 5-7 page stories assigned throughout the semester and weekly writing homework that strengthens the fiction writing craft lasting approximately 45-60 minutes each.
The self-publishing portion (last 3 weeks) is optional. Students who do not wish to participate will have regular homework instead.
Students with Works in Progress may bring them to work on throughout this class.
Subject content must be approved by the teacher and must remain PG 13. This is a Christian based class so no writing of zombies, vampires, ghosts or witches, or anything with the point of view of death or demonic supernatural beings. Mythological creatures are ok as well as elves, and other types of beings from the Lord of the Rings. Blurring the lines between good and evil is not acceptable as a Christian worldview will be upheld.

Why Take a Creative Writing Class?
- Great way to earn high school English Language credit
- It’s a great way to supplement a current Language program by mixing things up.
- Creative Writing is a fun way to develop writing skills
- It also helps teens self express
- A student will learn to self publish for the aspiring young authors
- Helps students become better creative non-fiction writers

Creative Writing
Spring Semester
Online for High School
with Author and Educator Jan May
12 Weeks Starts January 31
1pm CST 60 minutes
Lots of fun writing exercises and interaction with other teen writers! Receive critiques and grow in your craft. If you want to develop your fiction stories, this is the class for you!
Why Take a Creative Writing Class?
- Great way to earn high school English Language credit
- It’s a great way to supplement a current Language program by mixing things up.
- Creative Writing is a fun way to develop writing skills
- It also helps teens self express
- A student will learn to self publish for the aspiring young authors
- Helps students become better creative non-fiction writers
Martin Luther said, “If you want to change the world, pick up your pen!”
Creative Writing Spring Semester
Online for High School
with Author and Educator Jan May
12 Weeks Starts January 31
1pm CST 60 minutes

Lots of fun writing exercises and interaction with other teen writers! Receive critiques and grow in your craft. If you want to develop your fiction stories, this is the class for you!
Why Take a Creative Writing Class?

- Great way to earn high school English Language credit
- It’s a great way to supplement a current Language program by mixing things up.
- Creative Writing is a fun way to develop writing skills
- It also helps teens self express
- A student will learn to self publish for the aspiring young authors
- Helps students become better creative non-fiction writers
Martin Luther said, “If you want to change the world, pick up your pen!”