Isabel’s Writing - The self guided 12-week writing book takes your daughter step by step in organizing a fictional story where the character grows in faith. Character, setting and plot development is highlighted. It changed our writing time from a terror into a time of delight!” Amy Blevins, homeschool parent
Isabel’s Closet - Create your character for the story, then as a paper doll, make her closet and design her clothes. Princess paper doll included. Roll play the adventures as you go! Girls love this! “My daughter was captivated from the start with the idea of clothing design and this really helped her put heart into writing her story.
Princess and Frog Write a Fairytale - Students develop a princess character, the setting of a story, and develop a plot that will help the princess grow in character. Each lesson includes Princess School Time where inner beauty traits are highlighted, relevant Bible verses are copied, and lessons learned apply with simple steps and journal entries in their Princess Diary. It’s filled with princess crafts and activities like making a princess hat or donating your time and treasure to the poor.
Creative and Crafty Writing Teacher Book - 12-lesson Christian course for girls and boys that is perfect for homeschool families, co-ops and classes. It combines creative writing lessons with cool crafts that kids love. Even reluctant writers are inspired to create with these inviting, hands-on lessons. Make a pop-up fable book, a class newspaper, and a short story with a seasonal theme. Concepts taught: plot, theme, characters, dialogue, journaling, and news reporting. Recommended for ages 8-12.
Creative and Crafty Student Book - Student book with craft pages.
Visit our Samples page to see how these books can enhance your homeschool journey!
For a Delightful Language Arts Year
Nurture the Storyteller
Build Christian Character
Glean Literary Tools
Enjoy Hands-on Enhancement Activities
9 Books Designed to Develop Language Skills,
Writing, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Literature Awareness and Build Christian Character
Ages 8-11
To read reviews scroll down
Reading Book#1 Isabel’s Secret - Meet Isabel,
a fun-loving 11-year-old girl growing up with her beloved horse, Starlight, on Angel Ridge Horse Ranch in Colorado. “Winners never quit, and quitters never win for I serve the mighty God who lives deep within!” This has been Isabel’s motto for as long as she can remember. Everything is going fine until a holiday visit from Grandmother Blakemore reveals a mystery about a family secret.
Isabel must unravel a family secret with God’s help.
Reading Book#2 Isabel’s Fun Fair Fiasco
Isabel is back in book two with another exciting adventure of faith! When Isabel visits Jason Twofeathers on the Native American Reservation, she is shocked by the poor living conditions. Isabel and her friends put their heads together and come up with a brilliant idea to host a Bison Burger Bash for Cash to raise money for the reservation. The only problem is that someone is trying to sabotage it! But who?
Reading Book#3 Callie’s Contest of Courage
Eleven-year-old Callie Fleming collects sharks’ teeth and rescued a baby seal-her bedroom looks more like a nature museum! She writes everything she can for her Critter Connection Website-because animals are the coolest critters in the world! When her Marine Corp Dad who is untimely deployed overseas, becomes strangely silent to her emails, she finds her whole world crashing down. Her family prays nightly from Psalm 91 for her dad’s protection. This is the hardest thing she has ever had to do! What will a wild bear encounter and George Washington’s coat teach her about trusting God? Join Callie, her annoying little brother, Curt, and the Twins of Mischief on this exciting journey of faith, family, and the power of prayer.
Callie's Contest of Courage Study Guide
This 74 page literature study guide is filled with fun activities from the mid-grade novel Callie’s Contest of Courage, vocabulary building skills, discussion questions and a literature awareness section. Callie’s Contest of Courage is young girl’s journey of faith. Make Nana’s banana cream pie, make a butterfly box, send care packages to troops overseas. Perfect for the single student or as a book club. Girls won’t be able to put it down!
Callie's Contest of Courage Lapbook
Lapbook includes write a family Bible verse, the life cycle of butterflies, learn about bears, squirrels, and George Washington. One mom wrote, “My daughter loved this book! It nurtured her faith in Christ.”

For a Creative Directive in Language Arts
"I was thrilled to use this program with my daughter, and even more thrilled when she chose to do it first thing every day, and was upset when she didn’t see it in her workboxes! This curriculum spoke to her where she was, and it sparked her imagination; most of all, though, it made her WANT to write! She would get so involved in her characters and their stories that she just HAD to get them down on paper. ~Carrie Hernandez, Hearts at Home
"For at least four years, I have been struggling to teach my daughter to write. I knew she had the heart of a storyteller, but I could not seem to help her to get all of her stories on paper. Hand her a piece of paper and she would freeze, cry, and fight her way through each assignment. Until we found this series. It transformed writing time from a terror into a delight! ~Amy Blevins, homeschool mom with Bow of Bronze blogger
For a Creative Directive in Language Arts
"I was thrilled to use this program with my daughter, and even more thrilled when she chose to do it first thing every day, and was upset when she didn’t see it in her workboxes! This curriculum spoke to her where she was, and it sparked her imagination; most of all, though, it made her WANT to write! She would get so involved in her characters and their stories that she just HAD to get them down on paper. ~Carrie Hernandez, Hearts at Home
"For at least four years, I have been struggling to teach my daughter to write. I knew she had the heart of a storyteller, but I could not seem to help her to get all of her stories on paper. Hand her a piece of paper and she would freeze, cry, and fight her way through each assignment. Until we found this series. It transformed writing time from a terror into a delight! ~Amy Blevins, homeschool mom with Bow of Bronze blogger

“One mom recently wrote: “I'm always on the lookout for positive, adventurous books for my kids. Callie is the kind of character whom your daughter will want to befriend, and you'll be happy to have her imitate. She's strong, smart, and kind, and she obviously is a kid with a strong faith of her own. My daughter loved this book! It helped her to cultivate her faith in Christ.”
“I'm always on the lookout for positive, adventurous books for my kids - especially ones with characters who possess a strong and growing faith. Unfortunately, those are not very easy to find. But recently I hit the jackpot when Jan May sent me a copy of her newly released book, Callie's Contest of Courage, and I was most impressed.” ~Amy Bradsher, Homeschool Parent and Blogger at Nest in the Rock