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Fun and Educational Writing Curriculum that Hooks even the Most Reluctant Writers-Especially Boys!

Welcome to Mooville! Adventures in Writing
Turn writing time into a delight by creating a farm full of fanciful characters much like the beloved story Charlotte’s Web. Each night after the farmer and his wife go to sleep, the animals begin to talk and continue their lives in Mooville. Will the Moo-Cow Mayor institute Chocolate Milk Mondays? Can Daisy the Duck win the annual cup cake bake off? Your students will have fun learning as they develop the answers!
There are ten bite size lessons teaching how to create characters, settings and plots. They will learn about the golden rule of writing, “show don’t tell” and how to create tension for an interesting plot. This curriculum is ideal for teaching multiple age levels and motivational for the beginning or seasoned student alike. Mooville is great for incorporating animal science, art and unit studies. Writing will be so much fun that even the reluctant writer will dive into the writing pool!
49 pages-for ages 8 to 11
•Easy to follow Teachers Notes
•One student worksheet per lesson
•Farm animal printables with a fun facts
•Farm animal report pages with questions to answer
•Fun writing activities
•Unit study ideas to incorporate Science and Art